CloudFusion Lab Integration Services help you solve for a lack of integration between data sources, missing data parity, and manual efforts to manage data between applications. Our end goal is to enable a real-time exchange of your data and processes. Data and integrated cloud services can be accessed by multiple devices over a network or through the internet, a perfect approach to scale with your company’s growth and empower end users. We bring you rich connectivity with cloud and on-premise applications, systems, repositories, and IT environments.

Want to enhance your connectivity with cloud and on-premise applications?

Our capabilities
API development

Develop and implement custom APIs to drive agility in responding to integration requirements. Benefit from application integration and system integration to connect all applications and business systems, create a better user experience, and save costs.

  • Secure, high-performing APIs hosted on Azure
  • Enable legacy on-premise app for cloud integration
  • Azure function development
  • Build middleware-based integration APIs
Digital signature platforms

Enable digital signature workflow with timely notifications for signature events, digital signature-embedded UI, and seamless automation to save 60% of signature process time.

  • DocuSign integration
  • Adobe Sign integration
Azure Web Apps

Save time and enhance collaboration through Azure Web App integration services, ensuring hassle-free work for end users, no data duplication, data parity across systems, and optimal usage of Microsoft 365 services.

  • Enable quick integrations with:
    • Dynamic CRM
    • On-premise and Azure-hosted SAP
    • On-premise Oracle Suite
  • App-to-app integrations
Microsoft 365 integration

Customized and secure solution to integrate with Microsoft 365, enabling better collaboration. Experience hassle-free work for end users with optimal usage of Microsoft 365 services.

  • Enable quick integrations with:
    • Exchange and Outlook
    • Excel and OneNote
    • SharePoint
    • Teams
PowerApps custom connector development

Boost ROI by quickly building a PowerApps custom connector, while driving revenue with added platform features for easy maintenance.

  • Custom connectors for SaaS solutions
  • Integrations between business applications
  • Implementation of authentication from range of modes to comply with existing solutions
  • Custom parameters and dynamic schema implementations

Need technical support and strategic guidance on integrating your system and apps?

Benefits of CloudFusion Lab Integration Services

Connect systems and applications for a one-enterprise view

Improve business processes

Savings in cloud migration cost

Provide an enhanced user experience

Data accuracy and reduced data exchange delays across departments

Timely notification of system events

Ready to accelerate innovation at scale?


Why CloudFusion Lab

CloudFusion Lab is a leading partner in driving resilience through digital transformation with cloud and AI. Our expertise and size uniquely positions us to fast-track projects, and scale up or down cost-effectively.

Product DNA

Our product and engineering DNA produces enterprise transformation with resilience. We develop industry and customer-focused products to deliver value and gain a competitive edge

Scalable and global distribution

We can scale your project or implementation up or down depending on the needs of your business while offering 24*7 support with a globally distributed Center of Excellence

Platform-driven approach

CloudFusion Lab has engineered in-house frameworks and platforms to create cost-effective, scalable, and secure cloud-based data, analytics, and AI solutions

Deep Azure Cloud, data and AI expertise

CloudFusion Lab has engineered in-house frameworks and platforms to create cost-effective, scalable, and secure cloud-based data, analytics, and AI solutions

FastTracktoValue™ methodology

We provide a Center of Excellence with our unique FastTracktoValue™ approach and flexible engagement models to drive innovation

Commitment to values

We are committed to our values-FORTE to establish and support data-driven innovation. FORTE defines our relationship with our employees, partners, and customers

Leading brands and innovators trust CloudFusion Lab vision, mission, and expertise to enable a seamless enterprise modernization.


years of Azure cloud experience




global locations

Talk with our solution experts

“Azure SQL Data Warehouse is a fundamental part of our IT ecosystem. Cloud-based data solutions like Azure along with a technology partner like CloudFusion Lab are going to be crucial for data-intensive companies like ours”

– Director, Business Intelligence at a Fortune 500 company